We are Canada’s leading national foundation for women’s sexual and reproductive health. With the support of individuals, medical organizations and companies, we fund research and initiatives to improve the health of Canadian women at every stage of their lives. We champion funding for women’s health research nationally and foster support for international women’s health programs.
Research and activities supported by the Canadian Foundation for Women’s Health aim to enhance and advance sexual and reproductive health for Canadian women.
CFWH Awards, Fellowships and Grants
The Canadian Foundation for Women’s Health is thrilled to announce its grant recipients for 2024! We had a record number of applications this year and the review committees had to make some tough decisions. Meet the 2024 grant recipients>
Learn more about CFWH awards, fellowships and grants.
The SOGC Program for Prevention of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada has been working with experts across Canada to lead the development of an approach to understand and prevent maternal morbidity and mortality in Canada. Learn more>
Read Paul, Kitty and Kitty Lana Carr’s personal story.
Expérience personnelle de Paul, Kitty et Kitty Lana Carr.
Learn about The Kitty Carr Fund and how to donate.
Registered Charitable number 88688 4089 RR0001